Jumat, 29 September 2017

What The Experts Say About Aluminum in Vaccines


Aluminum is a positively charged bio-conductive element, 64 times more positive than colloidal blood products (ie. anything suspended in your blood) are negative; with the properties of a coagulant. It literally draws in all other metals & toxins in its path. When injected into deep muscle tissue or subcutaneously, this neurotoxin gets redistributed via the bloodstream (consisting of 90% water) to areas of fatty tissue (highly electrical tissues – negatively charged) throughout the body, builds up over time in these delicate centers; primarily in the Brain, Spinal cord, Myelin sheath, Meninges, cardiac cells, breasts & ovaries (in women), prostate (in men), kidneys, liver, gut & bowels.

‘Approximately 25% of the total amount of the cholesterol present in humans is localized to this organ, most of it present in myelin. Almost all brain cholesterol is a product of local synthesis, with the blood-brain barrier efficiently protecting it from exchange with lipoprotein cholesterol in the circulation.

It has been estimated that up to 70% of the brain cholesterol is associated with myelin. Because up to half of the white matter may be composed of myelin, it is unsurprising that the brain is the most cholesterol-rich organ in the body. The concentration of cholesterol in the brain, and particularly in myelin, is consistent with an essential function related to its membrane properties.‘ Division of Clinical Chemistry, Huddinge University Hospital, Sweden

‘This “sludging” is activated when Aluminum (64 times more positive than colloidal blood products are negative) interacts with Hemoglobin in flow, in the negatively charged environment. This causes the negatively charged blood products to “attract” towards the larger, more massive positively charged Aluminum, causing clumping or “sludging”. This restricts blood flow, and it changes the Zeta Potential to change from -15mv (minus 15 milivolts) towards -10 mv (minus 10 milivolts), or possibly closer to zero. This is an increase in Zeta Potential, from a negatively charge towards neutral. (This is somewhat analogous to a change in state of water as it turns to ice – it’s a change in viscosity, affecting blood flow).‘ Dr. Andrew Moulden

“Your blood has no method of excretion; Heavy metals & live viruses, formaldehyde are redistributed by the blood to areas of fatty tissue (highly conductive/electrical tissues) – found in the gray matter of the brain, the Myelin Sheath, neurons, the meninges/spine, cardiac cells, breasts & ovaries (in women), prostate (in men). Blood is made of water. When you stick aluminum in your blood, anything that’s toxic debris is going to bond to and coagulate and cause a congestive coccidiosis and this stuff gets caught in the tiny highways & byways.’ Dr. Gary Tunsky

Note: “…aluminium-containing adjuvants could trigger the cascade of immunological events which are associated with autoimmune conditions including chronic fatigue syndrome and macrophagic myofasciitis.”

‘It is well known and published in the scientific literature that combinations of two chemicals may be 10 times as toxic as either separately, or 3 chemicals 100 times as toxic…The levels of mercury Thimerosal in vaccines has been shown to be highly neurotoxic, but the effect was found to be much larger due to the synergistic effect with aluminum, which is also in most vaccines…Elements with a valence of 3, such as aluminum (+3), have 6000 times more effect on carrying capacity (sludging toxicity) due to the three extra positive charges.’Excerpt from ‘Medical Veritas: The Journal of Medical Truth’ By Gary S. Goldman, Ph.D P. 133-134

Dr. Boyd Hayley performed a synergy experiment using Aluminum Hydroxide Salt, Mercury (Thimerosal) & Neomycin (antibiotic associated with Kidney failure, hazardous to a fetus). The results indicated a 75% acceleration in cell deaths when all 3 ingredients were combined.

Think about it. Vaccine Resistance Movement

Sabtu, 23 September 2017

Balas Budi

Suatu sore di sebuah warung sembako, seorang gadis remaja menghampiri dan menyapa saya dg sopan sambil salim cium tangan.
"Halo tante.."
"Mmm... Siapa ya? Maaf tante lupa", saya jawab sapaannya dg senyum. Agak bingung karena beneran lupa dan ngerasa ga familiar ama wajahnya.
"Saya yg dulu tante anter ke sekolah ama kakak saya"
Saya langsung memutar otak berpikir, yg mana yaa...?
Ah, saya ingat sekarang!
"Oalaah mbak, maaf tante lupa. Kakakmu mana?"
"Itu nunggu di motor", jawabnya sambil menunjuk gadis yg tak berbeda usia dengannya.
Tak lama gadis itu berpamitan pulang.

Saya terharu memandang mereka. Gadis2 yang sopan dan tau membalas budi. Padahal saya sendiri sudah lupa kejadian itu. Karena bukan satu hal yg besar sih. Tapi rupanya gadis2 itu tetap mengingatnya.

Ini reminder buat saya. Memang harusnya demikian adabnya. Bila kita berbuat baik pada orang lain, jangan diingat-ingat. Bantu mereka, lalu lupakan.
Tapi sebaliknya, bila kita yg menerima bantuan, jangan sampai lupa akan budi itu. Minimal berterima kasih dan doakan kebaikan pada yg telah menolong kita dengan sebaik-baik doa: jazaakumullaahu khayr.

Teruntuk saudara2ku yg pernah menolongku dari segala kesulitan, jazakumullahu khayr. Semoga Allah memberi balasan kebaikan untuk kalian semua. Maafkan bila daku belum mampu membalas kebaikan kalian. 🙏


Selasa, 19 September 2017

Do Not Litter, Please..

Selain adab, masalah generasi jaman sekarang adalah menyepelekan JUMLAH.

"Ah, cuma satu batang."
"Ah, cuma satu orang."
"Ah, cuma satu buah."


Sampah yg berserakan. Di jalan, di lapangan, di sekolah. Saya lihat sendiri semalam di teras sebuah minimarket dekat rumah. Minimarket tersebut menyediakan kursi bagi pelanggannya. Tak lupa disediakan pula tempat sampah di sana. PUN, disertai tulisan di dinding: BUANGLAH SAMPAH PADA TEMPATNYA.

Entah orang sekarang kemampuan membacanya berkurang atau ketidakpeduliannya yg menambah. Sepertinya alasan kedua yg benar. Rasa cuek, ignorant, egp, itu yg menang menguasai diri.

"Ah, nanti juga ada yg bersihin."

Tentu saja nanti ada yg bersihin. Karyawan minimarket pastinya akan membersihkan sisa sampah yg berserakan di sana. Jorok sekali liat sampah2 itu. Ga mungkin dibiarin kan? Tapi apakah berat tangan kalian utk membawa botol minuman, bungkus snack yg abis kalian makan ke tempat sampah yg jaraknya paling jauh 1 meter? apakah berat mengangkat pantat dan kaki utk melangkah ke tempat sampah yg jaraknya ga lebih dari sepuluh langkah?

Beberapa waktu yg lalu saat bermotor, di depan saya ada sepasang pria berboncengan. Lalu sekelebat benda saya lihat melayang ke arah kiri jalan. Satu buah gelas plastik sukses mendarat di pinggir jalan. Saya melongo menyaksikannya. Ga pikir panjang saya percepat laju motor dan mendekat ke sisi kanan kedua pria itu.

Saya buka masker saya dan berkata agak berteriak yg ditujukan ke pria yg di belakang.

"Pak, jangan buang sampah sembarangan ya !"

Si pria tidak menoleh malah membuang muka ke arah kiri tidak mau lihat ke saya. Lalu pria yg mengemudikan motor mendengar dan bertanya ke saya.

"Ada apa bu?"

Saya ulangi kata-kata saya.

"Jangan buang sampah sembarangan !" sambil mata saya memberi isyarat menunjuk pria di boncengannya.

"Oh, iya bu."

Dijawab pendek saja. Si pria di belakang tetap memandang ke kiri. Ya sudah, yg penting pesan saya sudah tersampaikan lalu saya tinggalkan mereka.

Tingkat ketidakpedulian masyarakat makin memprihatinkan. Mereka tidak peduli bahwa angka satu itu sangatlah berpengaruh. Satu orang berpikiran utk membuang sampah, kumpulan dg 99 orang yg berpikiran sama maka akan ada 100 sampah menumpuk di situ. Bayangkan kalo jumlah itu jadi 1000, 10.000, sejuta. Kita punya masalah besar !

Tolong, sekali lagi saya minta tolong, ajarkan anak kita membuang sampah pada tempatnya. Biasakan utk mengingatkan mereka berulang-ulang. Saya pun harus berulang-ulang menegur anak saya yg sudah siap2 membuang sampah sembarangan. Alhamdulillah kalo biasa begitu mereka akan cari tempat sampah tanpa disuruh. Bahkan bertanya tempat sampah di mana. Satu kebiasaan baik yg terduplikasi akan menciptakan lingkungan yg bersih dari sampah.

Bisa kah kita ambil bagian menjadikan lingkungan kita bersih?

Kamis, 07 September 2017

What Happens to the Brain With Vaccination?

From Jeff Prager:
What Happens to the Brain With Vaccination?
It seems the brain is always neglected when pharmacologists consider side effects of various drugs. The same is true for vaccinations. For a long time no one considered the effect of repeated vaccinations on the brain. This was based on a mistaken conclusion that the brain was protected from immune activation by its special protective gateway called the blood-brain barrier. More recent studies have shown that immune cells can enter the brain directly, and more importantly, the brain’s own special immune system can be activated by vaccination.
You see, the brain has a special immune system that operates through a unique type of cell called a microglia.
These tiny cells are scattered throughout the brain, lying dormant waiting to be activated. In fact, they are activated by many stimuli and are quite easy to activate. For our discussion, activation of the body’s immune system by vaccination is a most important stimuli for activation of brain microglia.
Numerous studies have shown that when the body’s immune system is activated, the brain’s immune cells are likewise activated. This occurs by several pathways, not important to this discussion. The more powerfully the body’s immune system is stimulated the more intense is the brain’s reaction. Prolonged activation of the body’s immune system likewise produces prolonged activation of the brain’s immune system.
Therein lies the danger of our present vaccine policy.
The American Academy of Pediatrics and the American Academy of Family Practice have both endorsed a growing list of vaccines for children, even newborns, as well as yearly flu shots for both children and adults. Children are receiving as many as 22 inoculations before attending school.
What Happens When the Brain’s Immune System is Activated?
The brain’s immune system cells, once activated, begin to move about the nervous system, secreting numerous immune chemicals (called cytokines and chemokines) and pouring out an enormous amount of free radicals in an effort to kill invading organisms. The problem is–there are no invading organisms. It has been tricked by the vaccine into believing there are.
Unlike the body’s immune system, the microglia also secrete two other chemicals that are very destructive of brain cells and their connecting processes. These chemicals, glutamate and quinolinic acid, are called excitotoxins. They also dramatically increase free radical generation in the brain. Studies of patients have shown that levels of these two excitotoxins can rise to very dangerous levels in the brain following viral and bacterial infections of the brain. High quinolinic acid levels in the brain are thought to be the cause of the dementia seen with HIV infection.
The problem with our present vaccine policy is that so many vaccines are being given so close together and over such a long period that the brain’s immune system is constantly activated. This has been shown experimentally in numerous studies. This means that the brain will be exposed to large amounts of the excitotoxins as well as the immune cytokines over the same period.
Studies on all of these disorders, even in autism, have shown high levels of immune cytokines and excitotoxins in the nervous system. These destructive chemicals, as well as the free radicals they generate, are diffused throughout the nervous system doing damage, a process called bystander injury. It’s sort of like throwing a bomb in a crowd. Not only will some be killed directly by the blast, but those far out into the radius of the explosion will be killed by shrapnel.
Normally, the brain’s immune system, like the body’s, activates quickly and then promptly shuts off to minimize the bystander damage. Vaccination won’t let the microglia shut down. In the developing brain, this can lead to language problems, behavioral dysfunction, and even dementia. In the adult, it can lead to the Gulf War Syndrome or one of the more common neurodegenerative diseases, such as Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s dementia, or Lou Gehrig’s disease (ALS).
What Do The Doctors Say?
Dr. Buchwald, M.D.
The decline in infectious diseases in developed countries had nothing to do with vaccinations, but with the decline in poverty and hunger.
Dr. Glen Dettman
It is pathetic and ludicrous to say we ever vanquished smallpox with vaccines, when only 10% of the population was ever vaccinated.
Dr. Archie Kalokerinos, M.D.
Up to 90% of the total decline in the death rate of children between 1860-1965 because of whooping cough, scarlet fever, diphtheria, and measles occurred before the introduction of immunizations and antibiotics.
Dr. Mendelsohn, M.D.
My suspicion, which is shared by others in my profession, is that the nearly 10,000 SIDS deaths that occur in the United States each year are related to one or more of the vaccines that are routinely given children. The pertussis vaccine is the most likely villain, but it could also be one or more of the others.
Peter Baratosy, M.D. PhD, Australia
I see many children in my practice. I see the difference between the immunized and the non-immunized. The non-vaccinated are much healthier and have less infections, colds, otis media, and tonsillitis.
John B.Classen, M.D., M.B.A.
My data proves that the studies used to support immunization are so flawed that it is impossible to say if immunization provides a net benefit to anyone or to society in general. This question can only be determined by proper studies, which have never been performed. The flaw of previous studies is that there was no long-term follow-up and chronic toxicity was not looked at. The American Society of Microbiology has promoted my research…and thus acknowledges the need for proper studies.
Raymond Obomsawin, M.D.
Delay of DPT immunization until 2 years of age in Japan has resulted in a dramatic decline in adverse side effects. In the period of 1970-1974, when DPT vaccination was begun at 3 to 5 months of age, the Japanese national compensation system paid out claims for 57 permanent severe damage vaccine cases, and 37 deaths. During the ensuing six-year period 1975-1980, when DPT injections were delayed to 24 months of age, severe reactions from the vaccine were reduced to a total of eight with three deaths. This represents an 85 to 90 percent reduction in severe cases of damage and death.
Dr. Howard Weiner, Immunologist, Harvard Medical School
If a person has a tendency towards a disease, at a certain age, a vaccine might make him/her more susceptible later when other challenges come along.
Philip Incao, M.D. Testimony on the Hepatitis Vaccine, Ohio 3/1/99
A critical point, which is never mentioned by those advocating mass vaccination is that children’s health has declined significantly since 1960 when vaccines began to be widely used. According to the National Health Interview Survey conducted annually…a shocking 31% of US children today have chronic health problems… In my medical career, I’ve treated vaccinated and unvaccinated children, and the unvaccinated were far healthier and more robust. Allergies, asthma, and behavioral and attention disturbances were clearly more common in my young patients who were vaccinated.
Mary N. Megson, M.D.
Autism may be a disorder linked to the disruption of the G-alpha protein, affecting retinoid receptors in the brain. A study of sixty autistic children suggests that autism may be caused by inserting a G-alpha protein defect, the pertussis toxin found in the D.P.T. vaccine, into genetically at-risk children.
Guylaine Lanctot M.D.
The medical authorities keep lying. Vaccination has been a disaster on the immune system. It actually causes a lot of illnesses. We are changing our genetic code through vaccination.
Dr. Kalokerinos, M.D.
It was similar with the measles vaccination. They went through Africa, South America and elsewhere, and vaccinated sick and starving children…They thought they were wiping out measles, but most of those susceptible to measles died from some other disease that they developed as a result of being vaccinated. The vaccination reduced their immune levels and acted like an infection. Many got septicaemia, gastro-enteritis, etcetera, or made their nutritional status worse and they died from malnutrition. So there were very few susceptible infants left alive to get measles. It’s one way to get good statistics, kill all those that are susceptible, which is what they literally did.
The AMA has always been corrupt. Just look back at their old recommendations for smoking tobacco. The AMA has also been sued for maintaining an illegal boycott of chiropractors. Their expert advice has always been for sale to the highest bidder. The CDC is no different. Recently they’ve been outed for covering up the link between the MMR vaccine and autism in African American children. Their advisory board is filled with industry insiders promoting their own self-interest. The AAP seems to be working primarily for vaccine manufacturers.
There are two kinds of pro-vaccine experts; those who regurgitate pro-vaccine rhetoric and those who are getting paid by pharmaceutical industries. Most regulators are the second kind of expert. (We all know money talks, and big money yells). You cannot do all of the research and come to the conclusion that vaccines are safe. Those that do the research invariably reject all vaccines, or refuse many of them.
