Minggu, 25 Maret 2018



It is the same story with vaccines.  This is a highly efficient way of pumping mind-suppressing drugs and immune system destroyers into billions of people while they think you are trying to help them.  Whole generations of children worldwide are contaminated in this way every year, while the figures show that the claims made for the benefits of vaccination are utter baloney.  Dr Guylaine Lanctot exposes the reality of vaccinations in her book, The Medical Mafia.  She says that repeated vaccination exhausts the immune system and opens people to all sorts of diseases that the body's defenses would normally repel.  As so many studies have shown, the diseases the vaccines were supposed to protect us against were in free-fall before the vaccine was introduced.  Ian Sinclair, an Australian researcher, has documented the lies behind vaccination in a series of books and articles, including Health: The Only Immunity."  He says that he discovered the following:

    • Graphical and statistical evidence showing that more than 90% of the decline in death rates from infectious disease occurred before vaccination commenced.  All medical journals acknowledged this decline was caused by improved sanitation, hygiene, better nutrition and living standards.  In other words, vaccination was not responsible for wiping out infectious disease as medical authorities claim.

    • A tuberculosis vaccine trial in India involving more than 260,000 Indians resulted in more cases of TB among the vaccinated than the unvaccinated.  But this vaccine is still being given to Australian children and others around the world.

    • The cost of the whooping cough vaccine leaped from 11 cents in 1982 to $11.40 in 1987 because of the $8.00 a shot the company was putting aside to pay for legal and damages costs for the brain-damaged and dead victims of the vaccine.

    • Millions of children in "Third World" countries were still dying from measles, tuberculosis, diphtheria, tetanus, polio, etc., despite being fully vaccinated.

The consequences of vaccines for health, both short and long term, are appalling.  But they serve the Illuminati perfectly in both the health and mental effects for the population they wish to control and the profits they accumulate.  Again, think pyramid.  Those at the top, the Anunnaki bloodlines, created and control the World Health Organization at the United Nations.  This supports, in its own statements, the agenda of the Illuminati and their drug companies.  The World Health Organization announces there is going to be an epidemic of something or other and the Illuminati agents in government start a mass vaccination against this alleged "danger" via the medical profession.  The Illuminati drug companies then sell them the vaccines.  This happened with measles vaccinations in the U.K. in the 1990s.  The mass vaccination programs in the "Third World" are funded and administered through the Illuminati's World Bank, World Heath Organization, and other U.N. agencies.  This allows them to target certain peoples in their campaign of genocide.  Dr Lanctot writes in The Medical Mafia:

"Vaccination decimates populations.  Drastically in Third World countries.  Chronically in industrialized countries.

In this regard, Robert McNamara [Bilderberger, Trilateral Commision, Council on Foreign Relations], the former President of the World Bank, former Secretary of State in the United States, who ordered massive bombing of Vietnam, and a member of the Expanded Program on Immunization, made some very interesting remarks.  As reported by a French publication, "j-ai tout compris", he was quoted as stating: 'One must take draconian measures of demographic reduction against the will of the populations.  Reducing the birth rate has proved to be impossible or insufficient.  One must therefore increase the mortality rate.  How?  By natural means.  Famine and sickness (translation from French)."  "Draconian methods" = methods employed by the Draco.  Dr Lanctot says that vaccination enables the selected populations to be decimated.  It allows "targeted genocide" and permits the killing of people from a certain race, group, or country, while leaving others untouched.  All can be done in the name of health and well being, she says.  Diseases have been dispersed among "Third World" populations through vaccination and water supplies.  Dr. Gotlieb, a cancerologist, told a hearing investigating the CIA that he dispersed a large quantity of viruses into the Congo River in Zaire in 1960 to contaminate the water used for drinking by local people.  Dr. Gotlieb went on to become head of the National Cancer Institute to further his campaign to "fight disease".  Cancer research organizations, to which people give millions of pounds through charity fundraising worldwide, are more Illuminati fronts to stop the discovery of a cure that those on the inside already know exists.  If you give money to them, you are giving it to the Illuminati, although the genuine people shaking their collection tins in the street are not aware of this.

Further details read here http://www.whale.to/a/icke.html

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