Jumat, 10 Agustus 2018

The Epigenetic Epidemic

The Epigenetic Epidemic
Epigenetics: heritable changes that are not caused by changes in the DNA sequence. In other words, disease-causing damage done to a parent body that is then passed along to offspring, also known as “having bad genes,” and the “epigenetic epidemic.”
Picture a healthy adult after being bombarded by all of the usual environmental crap in our food, water, air, and medicine for their first 20 years. The impact that toxic load might have in a healthy, non-cancerous, non-obese, non-inflammatory body (does that exist anymore?) is to switch on the “bad genes” that were already present, and make those bad genes start expressing themselves.
The person’s DNA itself is not changed, only whether or not the cancer/autoimmune disease/obesity genes are expressed. The damaged adult, who isn’t feeling damaged just yet, later makes a child. That child doesn’t get to start with a healthy clean slate because their bodies were told to express some of their parents’ bad genes. Add to that all of the toxins the child is later exposed to, and more damage is done, more bad genes expressed. The next thing you know, you’re hearing about cancer, mental illness, diabetes, or autism running in families. Bad genes don’t run in families– we all have bad genes. Some of them are just shouting louder than others.
What am I talking about? How do you make a bad gene pipe down?
It all starts with food. Food contains nutrients that nourish life. Not just any food– real food. Traditional food. The nutrients in real food contain methyl groups that are extracted by our bodies and attached to our bad genes.
What’s a methyl group? One carbon bound to 3 hydrogen atoms, nothing fancy. In the human body every cell has the programming to become any kind of cell, but it’s the methyl groups attached to an embryo’s DNA that say, “Hey, everyone else be quiet so I can make this cell into a heart cell, not an eyeball cell.” Like a hand pressed over a screaming mouth, a tightly methylated “cancer gene” is a silent one. Toxic crap in our bodies is knocking off our protective methyl groups or making them bind to the wrong spots, rendering them useless.
Have you ever heard a doctor say, “You don’t need to do a detox program! Our bodies are designed to detox on their own.” Maybe a century ago, sure, but today our bodies aren’t doing such a bang-up job in the detox department.
Let me walk you through it:
• Starting in the 1940s people were routinely exposed to lead, mercury, benzene, cadmium, DDT, and asbestos. Viva la Chemical Revolution! They were the first generation to get penicillin and legal speed from the doctor, eat meals cooked on Teflon, drink fluoride in the water supply, and use plywood furniture glued together with formaldehyde. A child born in 1950 was subjected to the smallpox vaccine, the first whole-cell DPT vaccine, and 5 years later, the mass polio vaccination program. Their methyl groups were picked off like flies and about 2% of that damage would be passed on.
• By the time that 1950s child became a first-time mother in 1970, she was carrying a toxic load unlike any of the generations that preceded her. Not only was she carrying that load, but her fetus also carried the load, along with all of the eggs her baby was born with. After being exposed to cigarettes while in utero, her 1970 baby was then given the DPT, polio, smallpox and MMR vaccines along with Tylenol for the fevers they caused. She was fed formula instead of breast milk, wore fire retardant pajamas, breathed smog, ate processed food, got amalgam fillings, drank out of Styrofoam cups, got a CT scan, and took hormonal birth control in college— all before becoming a mother in 1995. Her DNA expression was set to be wrecked as she aged. Another 2% of her turned-on bad genes got tacked onto the 2% of bad genes from her own mother, and passed onto her 1995 baby.
• The 1995 baby came into the world 5 years after the disastrous overhaul of the vaccination program and during the first wave of the autism and food allergy tsunami. She received multiple doses of DPT, polio, Hib, Hep B, and MMR vaccines, along with the new shot for chicken pox. She was routinely given the flu vaccine in adolescence. The 1995 baby grew up slathered in sunblock, gnawing on made-in-China BPA teethers, and ate GMO corn and soy before any of us knew it existed.
When that 1995 child becomes a mother in the year 2021, God help us all. Her baby will be a 4th generation time bomb.
Don’t think for one second this is just about women– it’s not. Fathers contribute their screaming bad genes 50/50 with mothers. Why is the autism rate in military families double of the rest of us?
We are 75 years into destroying the genetic expression and immune system function of the American people. There is an easy explanation for why autism rates continue to double every few years, along with the skyrocketing rates of diabetes, arthritis, epilepsy, ADHD, and food allergies: our relentless pursuit of self-destruction. Immunocompromised, genetically-predisposed people are no longer rare. They are everywhere. Your health is the physical manifestation of every special interest group’s quest to get rich for the past 8 decades. Thanks, Dow Chemical.
What can you do to fix your family’s epigenetic epidemic? That’s another blog post, and I don’t think I’m the one to write it. But epigenetics aren’t permanent; the methyl groups tell your baby when to grow, they change with puberty, they tell cells when to die. They evolve. It’s not too late to make a difference, and if you’re of child-bearing age, you make a difference not only for yourself and your future child, but even for your grandchildren down the road.
To start, research eating a methyl-donating diet. If you’re a woman on hormonal birth control, stop taking it. Don’t use antacids. Decrease stress and learn to meditate. Go gluten-free and reduce your dairy intake, keeping it grass-fed. Up your green leafy vegetable intake, eat more oranges, strawberries, and eggs from pastured chickens. Cut out the soy, corn, and eating any animals that have eaten GMO soy and corn. Get some sleep.
It’s called a healthy lifestyle, who knew?
You can also add a gram of non-GMO vitamin C powder to your bath water to neutralize chlorine. Supplement with SAM. Consult with an MTHFR-knowledgeable doctor and figure out which methylfolate is right for you because I sure as hell don’t know.
Bottom line: the next time you hear someone claim that they grew up in the 1950s/60s/70s/80s and they stood in line to be sprayed with DDT/played with mercury/ate toxic waste and they turned out just fine, walk the other way. It’s not worth it. None of us are just fine, but they’re not your target audience. Focus on the young’uns.

The Epigenetic Epidemic

The Epigenetic Epidemic
Epigenetics: heritable changes that are not caused by changes in the DNA sequence. In other words, disease-causing damage done to a parent body that is then passed along to offspring, also known as “having bad genes,” and the “epigenetic epidemic.”
Picture a healthy adult after being bombarded by all of the usual environmental crap in our food, water, air, and medicine for their first 20 years. The impact that toxic load might have in a healthy, non-cancerous, non-obese, non-inflammatory body (does that exist anymore?) is to switch on the “bad genes” that were already present, and make those bad genes start expressing themselves.
The person’s DNA itself is not changed, only whether or not the cancer/autoimmune disease/obesity genes are expressed. The damaged adult, who isn’t feeling damaged just yet, later makes a child. That child doesn’t get to start with a healthy clean slate because their bodies were told to express some of their parents’ bad genes. Add to that all of the toxins the child is later exposed to, and more damage is done, more bad genes expressed. The next thing you know, you’re hearing about cancer, mental illness, diabetes, or autism running in families. Bad genes don’t run in families– we all have bad genes. Some of them are just shouting louder than others.
What am I talking about? How do you make a bad gene pipe down?
It all starts with food. Food contains nutrients that nourish life. Not just any food– real food. Traditional food. The nutrients in real food contain methyl groups that are extracted by our bodies and attached to our bad genes.
What’s a methyl group? One carbon bound to 3 hydrogen atoms, nothing fancy. In the human body every cell has the programming to become any kind of cell, but it’s the methyl groups attached to an embryo’s DNA that say, “Hey, everyone else be quiet so I can make this cell into a heart cell, not an eyeball cell.” Like a hand pressed over a screaming mouth, a tightly methylated “cancer gene” is a silent one. Toxic crap in our bodies is knocking off our protective methyl groups or making them bind to the wrong spots, rendering them useless.
Have you ever heard a doctor say, “You don’t need to do a detox program! Our bodies are designed to detox on their own.” Maybe a century ago, sure, but today our bodies aren’t doing such a bang-up job in the detox department.
Let me walk you through it:
• Starting in the 1940s people were routinely exposed to lead, mercury, benzene, cadmium, DDT, and asbestos. Viva la Chemical Revolution! They were the first generation to get penicillin and legal speed from the doctor, eat meals cooked on Teflon, drink fluoride in the water supply, and use plywood furniture glued together with formaldehyde. A child born in 1950 was subjected to the smallpox vaccine, the first whole-cell DPT vaccine, and 5 years later, the mass polio vaccination program. Their methyl groups were picked off like flies and about 2% of that damage would be passed on.
• By the time that 1950s child became a first-time mother in 1970, she was carrying a toxic load unlike any of the generations that preceded her. Not only was she carrying that load, but her fetus also carried the load, along with all of the eggs her baby was born with. After being exposed to cigarettes while in utero, her 1970 baby was then given the DPT, polio, smallpox and MMR vaccines along with Tylenol for the fevers they caused. She was fed formula instead of breast milk, wore fire retardant pajamas, breathed smog, ate processed food, got amalgam fillings, drank out of Styrofoam cups, got a CT scan, and took hormonal birth control in college— all before becoming a mother in 1995. Her DNA expression was set to be wrecked as she aged. Another 2% of her turned-on bad genes got tacked onto the 2% of bad genes from her own mother, and passed onto her 1995 baby.
• The 1995 baby came into the world 5 years after the disastrous overhaul of the vaccination program and during the first wave of the autism and food allergy tsunami. She received multiple doses of DPT, polio, Hib, Hep B, and MMR vaccines, along with the new shot for chicken pox. She was routinely given the flu vaccine in adolescence. The 1995 baby grew up slathered in sunblock, gnawing on made-in-China BPA teethers, and ate GMO corn and soy before any of us knew it existed.
When that 1995 child becomes a mother in the year 2021, God help us all. Her baby will be a 4th generation time bomb.
Don’t think for one second this is just about women– it’s not. Fathers contribute their screaming bad genes 50/50 with mothers. Why is the autism rate in military families double of the rest of us?
We are 75 years into destroying the genetic expression and immune system function of the American people. There is an easy explanation for why autism rates continue to double every few years, along with the skyrocketing rates of diabetes, arthritis, epilepsy, ADHD, and food allergies: our relentless pursuit of self-destruction. Immunocompromised, genetically-predisposed people are no longer rare. They are everywhere. Your health is the physical manifestation of every special interest group’s quest to get rich for the past 8 decades. Thanks, Dow Chemical.
What can you do to fix your family’s epigenetic epidemic? That’s another blog post, and I don’t think I’m the one to write it. But epigenetics aren’t permanent; the methyl groups tell your baby when to grow, they change with puberty, they tell cells when to die. They evolve. It’s not too late to make a difference, and if you’re of child-bearing age, you make a difference not only for yourself and your future child, but even for your grandchildren down the road.
To start, research eating a methyl-donating diet. If you’re a woman on hormonal birth control, stop taking it. Don’t use antacids. Decrease stress and learn to meditate. Go gluten-free and reduce your dairy intake, keeping it grass-fed. Up your green leafy vegetable intake, eat more oranges, strawberries, and eggs from pastured chickens. Cut out the soy, corn, and eating any animals that have eaten GMO soy and corn. Get some sleep.
It’s called a healthy lifestyle, who knew?
You can also add a gram of non-GMO vitamin C powder to your bath water to neutralize chlorine. Supplement with SAM. Consult with an MTHFR-knowledgeable doctor and figure out which methylfolate is right for you because I sure as hell don’t know.
Bottom line: the next time you hear someone claim that they grew up in the 1950s/60s/70s/80s and they stood in line to be sprayed with DDT/played with mercury/ate toxic waste and they turned out just fine, walk the other way. It’s not worth it. None of us are just fine, but they’re not your target audience. Focus on the young’uns.

The Epigenetic Epidemic

The Epigenetic Epidemic
Epigenetics: heritable changes that are not caused by changes in the DNA sequence. In other words, disease-causing damage done to a parent body that is then passed along to offspring, also known as “having bad genes,” and the “epigenetic epidemic.”
Picture a healthy adult after being bombarded by all of the usual environmental crap in our food, water, air, and medicine for their first 20 years. The impact that toxic load might have in a healthy, non-cancerous, non-obese, non-inflammatory body (does that exist anymore?) is to switch on the “bad genes” that were already present, and make those bad genes start expressing themselves.
The person’s DNA itself is not changed, only whether or not the cancer/autoimmune disease/obesity genes are expressed. The damaged adult, who isn’t feeling damaged just yet, later makes a child. That child doesn’t get to start with a healthy clean slate because their bodies were told to express some of their parents’ bad genes. Add to that all of the toxins the child is later exposed to, and more damage is done, more bad genes expressed. The next thing you know, you’re hearing about cancer, mental illness, diabetes, or autism running in families. Bad genes don’t run in families– we all have bad genes. Some of them are just shouting louder than others.
What am I talking about? How do you make a bad gene pipe down?
It all starts with food. Food contains nutrients that nourish life. Not just any food– real food. Traditional food. The nutrients in real food contain methyl groups that are extracted by our bodies and attached to our bad genes.
What’s a methyl group? One carbon bound to 3 hydrogen atoms, nothing fancy. In the human body every cell has the programming to become any kind of cell, but it’s the methyl groups attached to an embryo’s DNA that say, “Hey, everyone else be quiet so I can make this cell into a heart cell, not an eyeball cell.” Like a hand pressed over a screaming mouth, a tightly methylated “cancer gene” is a silent one. Toxic crap in our bodies is knocking off our protective methyl groups or making them bind to the wrong spots, rendering them useless.
Have you ever heard a doctor say, “You don’t need to do a detox program! Our bodies are designed to detox on their own.” Maybe a century ago, sure, but today our bodies aren’t doing such a bang-up job in the detox department.
Let me walk you through it:
• Starting in the 1940s people were routinely exposed to lead, mercury, benzene, cadmium, DDT, and asbestos. Viva la Chemical Revolution! They were the first generation to get penicillin and legal speed from the doctor, eat meals cooked on Teflon, drink fluoride in the water supply, and use plywood furniture glued together with formaldehyde. A child born in 1950 was subjected to the smallpox vaccine, the first whole-cell DPT vaccine, and 5 years later, the mass polio vaccination program. Their methyl groups were picked off like flies and about 2% of that damage would be passed on.
• By the time that 1950s child became a first-time mother in 1970, she was carrying a toxic load unlike any of the generations that preceded her. Not only was she carrying that load, but her fetus also carried the load, along with all of the eggs her baby was born with. After being exposed to cigarettes while in utero, her 1970 baby was then given the DPT, polio, smallpox and MMR vaccines along with Tylenol for the fevers they caused. She was fed formula instead of breast milk, wore fire retardant pajamas, breathed smog, ate processed food, got amalgam fillings, drank out of Styrofoam cups, got a CT scan, and took hormonal birth control in college— all before becoming a mother in 1995. Her DNA expression was set to be wrecked as she aged. Another 2% of her turned-on bad genes got tacked onto the 2% of bad genes from her own mother, and passed onto her 1995 baby.
• The 1995 baby came into the world 5 years after the disastrous overhaul of the vaccination program and during the first wave of the autism and food allergy tsunami. She received multiple doses of DPT, polio, Hib, Hep B, and MMR vaccines, along with the new shot for chicken pox. She was routinely given the flu vaccine in adolescence. The 1995 baby grew up slathered in sunblock, gnawing on made-in-China BPA teethers, and ate GMO corn and soy before any of us knew it existed.
When that 1995 child becomes a mother in the year 2021, God help us all. Her baby will be a 4th generation time bomb.
Don’t think for one second this is just about women– it’s not. Fathers contribute their screaming bad genes 50/50 with mothers. Why is the autism rate in military families double of the rest of us?
We are 75 years into destroying the genetic expression and immune system function of the American people. There is an easy explanation for why autism rates continue to double every few years, along with the skyrocketing rates of diabetes, arthritis, epilepsy, ADHD, and food allergies: our relentless pursuit of self-destruction. Immunocompromised, genetically-predisposed people are no longer rare. They are everywhere. Your health is the physical manifestation of every special interest group’s quest to get rich for the past 8 decades. Thanks, Dow Chemical.
What can you do to fix your family’s epigenetic epidemic? That’s another blog post, and I don’t think I’m the one to write it. But epigenetics aren’t permanent; the methyl groups tell your baby when to grow, they change with puberty, they tell cells when to die. They evolve. It’s not too late to make a difference, and if you’re of child-bearing age, you make a difference not only for yourself and your future child, but even for your grandchildren down the road.
To start, research eating a methyl-donating diet. If you’re a woman on hormonal birth control, stop taking it. Don’t use antacids. Decrease stress and learn to meditate. Go gluten-free and reduce your dairy intake, keeping it grass-fed. Up your green leafy vegetable intake, eat more oranges, strawberries, and eggs from pastured chickens. Cut out the soy, corn, and eating any animals that have eaten GMO soy and corn. Get some sleep.
It’s called a healthy lifestyle, who knew?
You can also add a gram of non-GMO vitamin C powder to your bath water to neutralize chlorine. Supplement with SAM. Consult with an MTHFR-knowledgeable doctor and figure out which methylfolate is right for you because I sure as hell don’t know.
Bottom line: the next time you hear someone claim that they grew up in the 1950s/60s/70s/80s and they stood in line to be sprayed with DDT/played with mercury/ate toxic waste and they turned out just fine, walk the other way. It’s not worth it. None of us are just fine, but they’re not your target audience. Focus on the young’uns.

Senin, 18 Juni 2018

Bukan Sekedar Remeh

"Bu, aq tadi liat kucing kaya Miki. Dia lagi bla..bla..bla.."
"Bu, tadi itu di masjid kayanya imamnya bacanya bla..bla..bla.."
"Bu, liat ini deh bu" *sambil nunjukkin video di LINE*

Seperti itulah penggalan obrolan2 dari anak3. Ngajakin mamaknya ngobrol kaya ke temennya seumuran. Cerita2 ringan mengalir dr mereka dg santainya. Kadang sambil terkekeh2 bersama ngobrolin si kucing ato nonton video lucu di hape.
Sesuatu yang kelihatannya sepele. Tapi bagi saya itu berlian. Kenapa? Ketika anak bisa menceritakan hal yg remeh temeh ke ibunya dg santainya, itu artinya dia merasa nyaman. Dia bisa bebas berbagi semua yg ingin dia ceritain. Walau mungkin tak semua cerita itu saya angguki. Karena ada juga kisah mereka yg kemudian jd bahan utk meluruskan yg keliru dlm pandangan mereka. Sehingga cerita yg sederhana tadi bisa berujung edukasi yg mendalam.
Itulah peran yg bisa saya ambil sbg ibunya.
Lain lagi bila dg ayahnya. Bahan pembicaraan dg ayah tentu akan berbeda dg bahan obrolan dg ibu. Tapi itu tak mengapa. Tak masalah. Setiap kita boleh mengambil peran sesuai yg kita mampu.
Yang penting adalah kita harus siap menjadi pendengar bagi anak. Biasakan berkomunikasi dua arah dg anak. Jangan monoton satu arah. Tentu ada saatnya komunikasi itu satu arah. Apalagi bila itu menyangkut sebuah nasihat orangtua kepada anaknya. Tapi jangan mengambil peran sbg pemberi wejangan setiap saat. Adakalanya anak butuh didengarkan ceritanya. Biarkan saja dia cerita. Walau itu cerita ttg kucing ato kodok yg dia liat di pinggir jalan. Jadilah pendengar dan komentator yg baik bagi anak kita. Karena dg begitu anak akan terbangun rasa percaya dirinya dg baik serta tumbuh rasa kepercayaan kepada orangtuanya.
Orangtua adalah tetap orangtua walau terkadang memposisikan diri sbg teman. Anak tetap akan tau koq posisi orangtua yg harus dihormati. Maka jagalah perasaan mereka. Peluk dan rangkul mereka agar mendekat pada kita.

Let's make every moment counts.


Minggu, 25 Maret 2018



It is the same story with vaccines.  This is a highly efficient way of pumping mind-suppressing drugs and immune system destroyers into billions of people while they think you are trying to help them.  Whole generations of children worldwide are contaminated in this way every year, while the figures show that the claims made for the benefits of vaccination are utter baloney.  Dr Guylaine Lanctot exposes the reality of vaccinations in her book, The Medical Mafia.  She says that repeated vaccination exhausts the immune system and opens people to all sorts of diseases that the body's defenses would normally repel.  As so many studies have shown, the diseases the vaccines were supposed to protect us against were in free-fall before the vaccine was introduced.  Ian Sinclair, an Australian researcher, has documented the lies behind vaccination in a series of books and articles, including Health: The Only Immunity."  He says that he discovered the following:

    • Graphical and statistical evidence showing that more than 90% of the decline in death rates from infectious disease occurred before vaccination commenced.  All medical journals acknowledged this decline was caused by improved sanitation, hygiene, better nutrition and living standards.  In other words, vaccination was not responsible for wiping out infectious disease as medical authorities claim.

    • A tuberculosis vaccine trial in India involving more than 260,000 Indians resulted in more cases of TB among the vaccinated than the unvaccinated.  But this vaccine is still being given to Australian children and others around the world.

    • The cost of the whooping cough vaccine leaped from 11 cents in 1982 to $11.40 in 1987 because of the $8.00 a shot the company was putting aside to pay for legal and damages costs for the brain-damaged and dead victims of the vaccine.

    • Millions of children in "Third World" countries were still dying from measles, tuberculosis, diphtheria, tetanus, polio, etc., despite being fully vaccinated.

The consequences of vaccines for health, both short and long term, are appalling.  But they serve the Illuminati perfectly in both the health and mental effects for the population they wish to control and the profits they accumulate.  Again, think pyramid.  Those at the top, the Anunnaki bloodlines, created and control the World Health Organization at the United Nations.  This supports, in its own statements, the agenda of the Illuminati and their drug companies.  The World Health Organization announces there is going to be an epidemic of something or other and the Illuminati agents in government start a mass vaccination against this alleged "danger" via the medical profession.  The Illuminati drug companies then sell them the vaccines.  This happened with measles vaccinations in the U.K. in the 1990s.  The mass vaccination programs in the "Third World" are funded and administered through the Illuminati's World Bank, World Heath Organization, and other U.N. agencies.  This allows them to target certain peoples in their campaign of genocide.  Dr Lanctot writes in The Medical Mafia:

"Vaccination decimates populations.  Drastically in Third World countries.  Chronically in industrialized countries.

In this regard, Robert McNamara [Bilderberger, Trilateral Commision, Council on Foreign Relations], the former President of the World Bank, former Secretary of State in the United States, who ordered massive bombing of Vietnam, and a member of the Expanded Program on Immunization, made some very interesting remarks.  As reported by a French publication, "j-ai tout compris", he was quoted as stating: 'One must take draconian measures of demographic reduction against the will of the populations.  Reducing the birth rate has proved to be impossible or insufficient.  One must therefore increase the mortality rate.  How?  By natural means.  Famine and sickness (translation from French)."  "Draconian methods" = methods employed by the Draco.  Dr Lanctot says that vaccination enables the selected populations to be decimated.  It allows "targeted genocide" and permits the killing of people from a certain race, group, or country, while leaving others untouched.  All can be done in the name of health and well being, she says.  Diseases have been dispersed among "Third World" populations through vaccination and water supplies.  Dr. Gotlieb, a cancerologist, told a hearing investigating the CIA that he dispersed a large quantity of viruses into the Congo River in Zaire in 1960 to contaminate the water used for drinking by local people.  Dr. Gotlieb went on to become head of the National Cancer Institute to further his campaign to "fight disease".  Cancer research organizations, to which people give millions of pounds through charity fundraising worldwide, are more Illuminati fronts to stop the discovery of a cure that those on the inside already know exists.  If you give money to them, you are giving it to the Illuminati, although the genuine people shaking their collection tins in the street are not aware of this.

Further details read here http://www.whale.to/a/icke.html

Kamis, 01 Februari 2018


By ust. Hafidin Achmad Luthfie

Allah swt mengharamkan babi dalam Al-Qur`an pada empat tempat saja. Dalam Surat Al-Baqoroh ayat 173, Surat Al-Maidah ayat 3, Surat Al-An'aam ayat 145, dan Surat An-Nahl ayat 115.

Ketika Allah swt mengharamkan babi dalam Al-Qur`an di Jazirah Arobiyyah saat itu tak ada sama sekali binatang tersebut.

Bangsa Arab di masa jahiliyah tak pernah satu kalipun menyebut babi dalam syair dan prosa mereka sebagaimana  mereka menyebut binatang-binatang ternak yang lain. Hal ini menunjukkan babi tak ditemukan di tengah lingkungan dan kehidupan mereka. Serta tak ditemukan dalam sejarah bangsa Arab sejak zaman Nabi Ibrahim as sampai Nabi Muhammad saw.

Satu-satunya kabilah Arab yang memelihara dan makan babi adalah Bani Taghlib sebuah puak (pecahan) dari Bani Bakar bin Wail keturunan dari Robi'ah. Kabilah ini beragama nashrani. Menurut para ahli tarikh awalnya mereka hidup di Jazirah Arobiyyah. Namun sejak abad ke 7 masehi mereka sudah migrasi ke Iraq.

Dan ketika Nabi Muhammad saw hijrah ke Yatsrib ("Madinah Munawwaroh") di sana tak ada kabilah Arab yang memelihara dan makan babi. Bahkan kaum yahudi di Yatsrib pun tidak memelihara dan makan babi karena syariat mereka mengharamkannya.

Karena itu, sebagian ulama mengatakan bahwa Nabi Muhammad saw belum pernah melihat binatang babi.

Menariknya Allah swt mengharamkan makan babi justru sejak fase dakwah Islam di Makkah. Sejak dini Islam sudah melarang dan mengharamkan babi. Surat An-Nahl dan Surat Al-An'aam yang diantara ayatnya melarang dan mengharamkan makan babi adalah surat makkiyyah; turun sebelum hijrah. Mengapa diharamkan padahal di Makkah tak ada satu ekor pun babi? Mengapa diharamkan padahal tak ada orang quraiys yang makan babi? Sangat unik terdapat ayat makkiyyah yang bicara tentang tasyri'. Dan tasyri' itu tentang larangan makan babi.
Menarik juga setelah hijrah ke Yatsrib Allah swt menguatkan larangan makan babi. Allah swt turunkan Surat Al-Baqoroh dan Surat Al-Maidah. Mengapa diharamkan makan babi sementara di Kota Yatsrib tak ada babi? Mengapa diharamkan sementara bangsa Arab dan bangsa yahudi di sana tak ada yang makan babi?

Bangsa Arab tak makan babi karena syariat Nabi Ibrahim as mengharamkan babi. Ini adalah diantara syariat Nabi Ibrahim as yang masih dijaga bangsa Arab di masa jahiliyah.

Dan menarik juga semua ayat yang melarang dan mengharamkan babi justru sebelum ditaklukkannya Persia dan Romawi.

Inilah salah satu kemukjizatan Al-Qur`an. Al-Qur`an sesungguhnya ingin mengkhabarkan tentang kondisi babi di akhir zaman. Al-Qur`an sebenarnya tengah mengkhithob generasi umat Islam modern. Karena babi di masa kekuasaan dan kejayaan Islam tak dipelihara dan dijumpai serta dimanfaatkan kaum muslimin di negeri mereka. Namun justru sekarang babi adalah binatang yang termasuk paling besar populasinya di dunia. Dan produk industri yang berasal dari babi justru paling luas sebarannya dalam kehidupan manusia modern termasuk di tengah umat muslim.

Produk olahan makanan, minuman, kesehatan, kerumahtanggaan dll kebanyakan berasal atau bersinggungan dengan babi.

Babi ini bukan sekadar haram dimakan namun juga haram diperjualbelikan serta dimanfaatkan.

Nabi Muhammad saw bersabda:

إن الله إذا حرم على قوم أكل شيء حرم عليهم ثمنه

Artinya: "Sesungguhnya Allah bila mengharamkan atas suatu kaum makan sesuatu Dia juga haramkan atas mereka harganya."

Babi yang haram bukan hanya dagingnya. Al-Qur`an menyebut "daging babi" saja bukan berarti boleh konsumsi tulangnya, lemaknya, kulitnya, enzim-enzim serta zat-zat yang berasal dari organnya. Al-Qur`an bicara berdasarkan "aghlabiyyah" atau kebiasaan sebagian manusia di daerah tertentu. Biasanya yang diambil dari babi adalah dagingnya. Dalam kaedah ilmu ushul fiqh dikatakan:

ذكر بعض أفراد العام بحكمه لا يخصصه

Artinya: "Menyebutkan sebagian satuan-satuan dari yang umum dengan hukumnya tidak berarti mengkhususkannya."


Pernikahan itu bukan tentang menyatukan dua insan dalam satu cara pikir yang sama. Kalau yang dimaksudkan menyatukan itu adalah menyatukan visi ke jannah, itu betul. Tapi kalau menyatukan dua kepribadian yang berbeda dalam satu perilaku dan sikap, ya jelas ga bakal ketemu.

Tak hanya sekali seorang istri berkeluh kesah ke saya, kenapa suami saya koq ga sejalan sama saya ya bun?
Sejalan dalam hal apa, tanya saya.
Ternyata sejalan dalam hal memandang masalah.
Bagi si istri, masalah yang tengah mereka hadapi itu masalah yang besar dan dia butuh wujud nyata dari suami bahwa sang suami memenuhi komitmennya untuk berubah.
Tapi di mata sang istri, suaminya terlihat santai dan memandang masalah ini bisa diselesaikan dengan mudah. Atau dengan kata lain, dianggap dah beres. Istrinya kekeuh kalo masalah itu belum beres.


Pastinya. Saya bacanya nyesek. Bukan nyesek karena suami perempuan tersebut tak kunjung berubah. Tapi nyesek dengan pola pikir istri tersebut.

Tak jarang sebagian dari kita memasang standar terlalu tinggi terhadap orang lain, terutama terhadap pasangannya. Dan ketika pasangannya tak memenuhi standar yang diinginkannya, yang ada adalah kekecewaaan.
Dari dulu yang namanya menggantungkan harap ke manusia itu pasti banyakan kecewanya. Karena kita ngukurnya pake standar manusia.
Kenapa tak kita ubah pola pikir kita untuk tak memasang standar tinggi ke pasangan?
Punya pasangan yang belum ngaji, belum jadi imam yg baik, atau belum jadi istri yg baik, dah mengeluh. Protes kenapa pasangannya tidak mau diubah.

Jangan mencoba mengubah pasangan. Karena itu tak mungkin. Apalagi teruntuk para istri. Jangan sekali-sekali menggurui suami. Wah bisa pecah perang dunia ketiga kalau seperti itu. Ingat, yang bisa mengubah pasangan kita cuma Allah. Kenapa tak berusaha lebih legowo terhadap kekurangan pasangan? Kenapa tak berusaha kencengin doa untuk pasangan? Setiap kita pasti ada kekurangan. Bukan pasangan kita aja. Kita pun pasti ada kekurangan. Tapi jangan mengharap orang lain menerima kekurangan kita kalau kita sendiri belum bisa menerima kekurangan orang lain, apalagi ini pasangan kita sendiri.

Suami istri itu dua pribadi yang berbeda. Ga mungkin punya isi kepala yang sama. Lah wong selera makannya aja bisa beda koq. Saya sama suami saya itu kepribadiannya bertolak belakang banget. Saya tipenya kerja cepat, suami tipenya kerja lambat tapi teliti. Cepatnya saya dalam mengerjakan hal2 di rumah, tentunya punya kekurangan. Suka ga teliti dan suka lupa. Nah itu bagiannya suami saya yang lebih teliti. Misal, kalau mau pergi keluar kota, saya maunya itu persiapan barang bawaan jangan lama-lama. Wes ayo cak cek ndang berangkat. Kalo kelamaan berangkat ntar di jalan makin lama n makin capek. Tapi suaminya saya woles banget. Tenang..kalem..yang duduk dulu, yang ke belakang dulu, yang ngecek air dulu, ngecek ini itu. Dulu saya suka geregetan ama suami. Tapi lambat laun akhirnya sadar, ini dua pribadi yang berbeda. Jangan mengharap bisa punya minat yang sama. Yang ada malahan capek hati dan lelah bodi. Ga ketemu-ketemu dan muncul konflik terus. Dan sungguh, begitu kita bisa mengubah mindset kita untuk mudah menerima perbedaan yang ada di antara kita dan pasangan, hidup menjadi lebih woles dan kalem.

Contoh lain soal masakan. Saya dulu nih bisa mutung diem berhari-hari kalo makanan yg saya masak ga dimakan suami pas dia pulang kerja, dengan alasan dah makan di kantor sebelumnya. "Diih...ga ngerti apa. Dah capek-capek mikir mau masak apa hari ini, nyiapin ini itu, belanja ini itu, kluthekan di dapur, eh taunya ga dimakan. Zebel..!"
Trus GTM beberapa hari ke doi. Sementara doi ga ngerti kalo istrinya GTM. Konyol kan? Dah abis energinya buang mutung eh yang dinesuin ga rumangsa hahaha...

Akhirnya saya ubah mindset. Saya review cara pikir saya. Mungkin kekecewaan ini karena terlalu banyak berharap dari makhluq. Tapi lupa berharap pada Sang Khaliq.
Di saat kita susah payah menyiapkan makanan untuk suami tapi pas suami pulang saking lelahnya trus langsung istirahat tanpa menyentuh makanan, apa lantas setiap jerih payah kita sedari pagi itu luput dari catatan Allah? Ndak kan? Kan kalo diniatkan ibadah in sya Allah jadi catatan amal. Urusan nantinya ga dimakan ya udah. Ambil sisi positif yang lain. Bersyukur bahwa hari ini suami masih bisa pulang dengan selamat tak kurang suatu apapun. Itu kalo dilakukan in sya Allah hidup bisa lebih nyaman.

Mengharap pasangan bisa berubah baik itu tak salah. Tapi lakukan pengharapan itu secara benar. Berharaplah hanya kepada Allah. Mengingatkan secara lisan juga diperbolehkan. Tapi ingat adab. Doakan pasangan kita agar menjadi qurrota a'yun. Itu bukan hal yg sulit kan bagi Allah untuk mengubah pasangan kita? Tapi bila saat ini Allah belum berkehendak mengubahnya, maka jangan kecewa. Mungkin itu ujian buat kita.

Teruslah bersabar sembari berharap bahwa setiap kesabaran kita ini akan bernilai pahala di sisi Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.


*kalimat terakhir mengutip dari ustadz Oemar Mita*

Jumat, 19 Januari 2018


Penyakit apakah Leaky Gut itu?
Leaky Gut Syndrome atau kebocoran pada usus adalah kondisi dimana dinding usus mengalami hiperpermeabilitas, ketika dinding usus kehilangan kemampuan dalam memilah zat bermanfaat atau racun yang akan diserap oleh tubuh. Normalnya, dinding usus memiliki kemampuan menyerap hanya zat yang bermanfaat bagi tubuh. Namun, pada penderita Leaky Gut, racun dan sampah juga ikut terserap oleh usus halus. Singkatnya, usus halus menjadi terlalu ‘berpori’ dan ukurannya besar, sehingga semua zat bisa merembes ke dinding usus halus tanpa bisa diseleksi.
Apa yang tanda seseorang menderita Leaky Gut Syndrome?
Jika seseorang memiliki sensitivitas terhadap makanan dan jenisnya mencapai lebih dari selusin, kemungkinan ia menderita Leaky Gut Syndrome. Ketika usus terluka, maka makanan yang masuk akan sangat mungkin menjadi tak tercerna dengan baik, akibatnya terjadilah intoleransi terhadap makanan. Masalah utamanya bukanlah pada makanan, namun semata-mata karena sistem pencernaan yang lemah dan pencernaan yang sedang bermasalah.
Apakah yang akan terjadi jika seseorang menderita Leaky Gut Syndrome?
Peradangan parah! Saat usus halus kehilangan kemampuan dalam hal memilah zat bermanfaat dan sampah, maka bukan hanya sampah dan racun saja yang terserap, bakteri dan virus pun ikut terserap. Ini akan memancing reaksi sistem imun dan membuat ‘tekanan’ pada sistem imun, oleh karena area yang terinfeksi akan semakin luas dan membuat kerja sistem imun menjadi lebih keras. Mulai dari menutupi area yang bocor, membunuh bakteri dan virus, membersihkan darah dari kuman, hingga meredakan peradangan.
Adakah gejala lain yang disebabkan oleh Leaky Gut Syndrome?
Penderita Leaky Gut Syndrome biasanya merasakan keletihan dan sering merasa kehabisan energi. Gejala lain yang seringkali menyertai adalah agresi, kecemasan, asma, reaksi inderawi yang tidak lazim, mengompol, infeksi saluran empedu, perut kembung atau bergas, rasa nyeri kronis pada persendian, nyeri otot dan perut, kebingungan, diare atau sembelit, kelelahan, demam yang tidak jelas sebabnya, kelambatan dalam berpikir, masalah pencernaan, gangguan ingatan, migrain, perubahan mood yang tiba-tiba, kegugupan, mudah lelah saat berolahraga, kekebalan tubuh yang rendah, dan ruam pada kulit.


Rabu, 03 Januari 2018

VAKSINASI by dr. Susilorini, Sp. PA

Tentang Vaksinasi by Si Pencari Cahaya

Vaksinasi adalah salah satu bentuk imunisasi untuk menstimulasi terbentuknya memori terhadap antigen yg diekspresikan mikroorganisme. Bukan thd mikroorganismenya. Beberapa mikroorganisme mempunyai antigen yang sama atau serupa. Sehingga tanpa dipaparkan terhadap kuman A. Bila tubuh kita pernah terpapar kuman B yg antigennya sama dg kuman A, maka insyaallah tubuh akan memberikan respon yg sama.
  • Si Pencari Cahaya Masih ingat bunda firman Allah kepada Adam as? Allah telah mengenalkannya pada semua benda dan makhluk di bumi. Termasuk kuman. Anak2 Adam jg demikian. Kuman, virus, bahkan sinar matahari bisa direspon oleh sel2 imunitas tubuh dg pengenalan atributnya ( antigennya). Atributnya macam2 contohnya TOLL, Lipopolisakarida, manosa..dll. Dan T0LL ini tak hanya dimiliki oleh satu jenis kuman..dia bisa dimiliki oleh haemophilus influenza bisa dimiliki oleh virus dll. Respon tubuh sama. tdk ada antibodi khusus kuman A dll. Kalo kita sakit demam berdarah yg diperiksa IgG IgM bukan IgG terhadap demam berdarah. Kalo kita sakit toxoplasma yg diperiksa jg IgG dan IgM tidak ada IgG dan IgM khusus tokso 17 hours ago · Like · 6
  • Si Pencari Cahaya Kalo ada yg bilang vaksin memberikan kekebalan terhadap kuman A..mungkin org itu harus baca lagi deh ttg cellular imunologi dan mikrobiologi. 17 hours ago · Like · 7
  • Si Pencari Cahaya Vaksin itu tdk memberi kekebalan thd kuman A dll. Tapi menstimulasi tubuh untuk membentuk memori thd antigen yg dimiliki kuman A yg bisa jadi dimiliki juga oleh kuman lain. 17 hours ago · Like · 3
  • Si Pencari Cahaya Dan subhanallah vaksinasi Allah itu sdh komplit bunda..ada 700 bakteri patogen yg dikenalkan Allah terhadap sel imun Bayi bila bayi tersebut disusui dlm jangka waktu 2 tahun. 17 hours ago · Like · 7
  • Si Pencari Cahaya Mgkn perlu dilakukan penelitian thd ke 700 bakteri tersebut apakah mereka mempunyai tanda pengenal yg sama dengan beberapa kuman yg terdapat di lingkungan manusia. 17 hours ago · Like · 4
  • Si Pencari Cahaya Belum lagi ketika kita bernafas berapa banyak mikroorganisme yg kita kenal?? Apa kita bisa menjamin kalo diudara kita bebas dari mycobacterium TBC..difteria. Apa bisa kita menjamin tangan kita tdk terkena Clostridium tetani ketika bekerja di kebun? Apakah kita bisa menjamin anak2 kita tdk terkena virus campak ketika mereka menghirup udara yg sama dengan penderita campak di daerah kita. 17 hours ago · Like · 6
  • Si Pencari Cahaya Dan paparan terhadap udara, tanah, debu, yg tdk steril itu jg vaksinasi. 
    Si Pencari Cahaya Kalo dipikir: difteri itu penyebarannya melalui apa? Udara..bukan tdk mungkin dalam satu daerah wabah semua org terpapar..tapi kenapa tdk semua org sakit. 
    Errina Pohan jadi…imunitas yang buruklah yang menyebabkan sakit bukan virus atau bakteri…karena mereka ada dimana-mana….asal imun ok…Insha Allah mereka g selalu jadi musuh….imnitas buruk…penyebabnya toksin yg bertumpuk dalalm tubuh bukan…? 17 hours ago · Like · 3
  • Si Pencari Cahaya Kalo ada yg berpikir penyakit bisa musnah krn vaksin..he he..sptnya org ini harus baca lagi mikrobiologi jawetz..memang kuman2 itu hidupnya dimana? Dan memangnya dia Allah? Kuman itu menular bisa saja krn seseorg terpapar kuman di lingkungannya bukan kuman yg dibawa oleh org yg tidak vaksin. Jadi kalo ada org yg takut tertular penyakit dari org yg tdk divaksin..hadeh..selain harus belajar mikrobiologi org ini juga harus baca buku aqidah deh. Jangan sampai kita menyalahkan org lain ketika kita sakit. 17 hours ago · Like · 7
  • Si Pencari Cahaya Benar bunda imunitas yg buruk itu faktornya banyak salah satunya..krn orang tua kita salah mendidik imunitas kita sejak dlm kandungan atau bahkan sejak masih berupa sel telur dan sperma. Makanya yg blm pada nikah..siapkan benih2 anda yg berkualitas dg pola hidup sesuai tuntunanNYA 17 hours ago · Like · 5
  • Si Pencari Cahaya Allah tak pernah menzalimi manusia..kerusakan genetik yg katanya diwariskan itu adalah karena perilaku tdk sehat dari para bakal orang tua. 17 hours ago · Like · 4
  • Si Pencari Cahaya Jadi jangan salahkan org lain ketika kita sakit apalagi sampai menyalahkan Allah. Kita menghirup udara yg sama tak steril kalo org lain sehat kita sakit..yg salah dan perlu dievaluasi adalah tubuh kita. 17 hours ago · Like · 9
  • Si Pencari Cahaya 1 mikroorganisme itu terkadang atributnya macam2 lho..16 hours ago · Like · 1
  • Si Pencari Cahaya Ada yg bilang bahwa Asi Tak efektif..pede kali ya..apalagi kalo datanya hanya berdasarkan data epidemiologi penuruanan angka infeksi dan cakupan vaksinasi. Sombong amat didepan Allah berani bicara spt itu ya..coba kalo berani buktikan ASI tak efektif dg penelitian eksperimental.. Kohort retrospektif. Buktikan kalo ASI tidak efektif.
  • Si Pencari Cahaya Faktor perancunya kemana dia singkirkan? Sombong kali ya. Jadi kasihan deh para petugas kebersihan nggak dianggap punya andil, kasihan juga ibu2 kasih makanan bergizi gak dianggap..dan berani benar sama Allah. Seakan yg mampu menghilangkan penyakit adalah vaksin. Dimana Allah mereka letakkan? Padahal Allahlah yg menyembuhkan. Allahlah yg bisa memberi manfaat dan mencabut kemudharatan.. 16 hours ago · Like · 9
  • Si Pencari Cahaya Dan tahu gak bunda vaksinasi Allah itu aman, seimbang sesuai kadar dan tahapan perkembangan manusia lho..ilmuwan aja mengakui. 16 hours ago · Like · 4
  • Si Pencari Cahaya Vaksinasi Allah dilakukan dg metode stimulasi yg tak melukai memaparkannya pada SALT,dan MALT..dan tahu bagaimana hasil penelitian ttg keefektifan vaksin yg dilakukan dg metode ini lebih baik dibanding yg diinjeksikan Intra muskuler..subhanallah. Mau tahu baca buku imunobiologi ya…saya gak suka HOAX 16 hours ago · Like · 5
  • Errina Pohan Makanya bundas….ikutin iklan…“berani kotor itu baik”, kalau pagi dan sore matikan semua tv. game dll…suruh anak kita main keluar, main tanah, batu apa aja….supaya imunitas mereka terlatih jangan terlalu steril…cucitangan jangan selalu pakai sabun….pakai air saja cukup..kecuali kotoran ditangan buandel…..selama asupan makanan, minuman serta doanya cukup Insha Allah mereka terlindungi…. 16 hours ago · Like · 3
  • Si Pencari Cahaya Kalo mau tahu literatur saya silaturahim yuk ke rumah saya..nggak enak kalo dilakukan didunia maya. Lebih baik di dunia nyata.16 hours ago · Like · 5
  • Si Pencari Cahaya Tubuh kita butuh stimulasi yg seimbang bahkan di tanah terdapat mikroorganisme yang baik juga lho..keseimbangan antara Th1, Th2 dan TRegulator that’s the point. 16 hours ago · Like · 2
  • Si Pencari Cahaya Oiya kalo mau baca literatur..baca teksbook yg agak mudah dipahami. Buku Prof Subowo lumayan berimbang infonya..tapi jgn menjudge beliau antivaksin ya. 15 hours ago · Unlike · 6
  • Hanik Nur Lathifah Subhanallah, jazakillah khoir bunda SPC atas ilmunya. Alhamdulillah kdua anak sy tak prnah disuntik vaksin . Tp ada pnjelasan bunda diatas yg mbuat sy menangis krna menyesal. Tentang orangtua yg salah mendidik imunitas anak sjak dlm kandungan. Hamil an…See More12 hours ago via mobile · Like · 3
  • Rahma Alkhadr Rahimah MashaAllah faa bi ayyi a'laa i rabbi kumma tukadziban … sistemnya Allah maha canggih,maha teliti ,maha sempurna .. krna dialah yg mnciptakan kita lebih tahu apa yg terbaik bagi kita melebihi apa yg kita tahu … subhanaAllah maa khalaqta hadza bathillaa sunhanaka faqinna adzabannnaaar .. 12 hours ago via mobile · Like · 4
  • Mega Indah Tomeala Arief Bunda Si Pencari Cahaya, semoga ilmunya barokah ya. Keep sharing :)) 9 hours ago · Like · 5
  • Abu Omar bunda Si Pencari Cahaya, pengen nanya, apakah sudah ada penelitian tentang memori terhadap antigen yg terbentuk itu, long life atau tidak ya ? about an hour ago · Like
  • Si Pencari Cahaya belum menemukan pak. makanya siapa mau menelitinya? memori ini juga tdk spesifik terhadap kuman A, B dlll lho. memori ini thd antigen kuman. about an hour ago · Like · 1
  • Si Pencari Cahaya antigen itu bisa berupa protein, polisakarida, lipid. about an hour ago · Like
  • Rulita Selly Sentia klo antibodi yg diciptakan dari hasil vaksinasi buatan kan katanya ga long lasting jadi perlu booster..nah itu penyebabnya apa bun? apa tubuh bisa lupa gitu?atau menurun kadar antibodinya smp hrus dibooster?? about an hour ago · Like · 1
  • Si Pencari Cahaya kita harus paham dulu prinsip aktivasi sel B. ketika sel B teraktifasi dia akan berdiferensiasi menjadi Sel B memori dan sel B efektor. sel B efektor ini akan memproduksi antibodi, antibodi bersifat biodegradable karena dia akan dikatabolisme. dan sel B efektor juga akhirnya akan dimatikan secara terprogram. untuk jangka waktu dia dpt bertahan adalah dalam hitungan minggu. about an hour ago · Like
  • Si Pencari Cahaya bila dalam jangka bulan si A terinfeksi secara alamiah sebenarnya krn tubuh sdh punya sel memori kita tidak butuh disuntik lagi. krn memang maksud vaksinasi adalah seperti itu. kalo diulang disuntik berkali2 justru bisa timbul toleransi. about an hour ago · Like
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