Jumat, 25 Agustus 2017


copas from http://gianelloni.wordpress.com/2013/06/11/the-truth-about-tetanus/ 

I’ve wanted to write a blog on tetanus for 
awhile now. I’m so sad every time a parent 
contacts me, because their child was given the 
DPT or DTaP vaccine (Diphtheria, Tetanus, & 
Pertussis) after a visit to the ER for stepping on 
a nail or anything that resembles a cut, scrape, 
or puncture wound. Just recently a very good 
friend contacted me in the middle of the night. 
She was so concerned over her young son 
receiving DTaP in the hospital that night. They 
didn’t want him to receive the 3 in 1 shot, but 
they were scared about tetanus, because he 
had stepped on a nail that day. So the young 
boy received the vaccine. 
Fear is such a strong motivator for vaccines. 
I know many families that don’t vaccinate, but 
they are still very fearful about tetanus and say 
that they might probably choose the tetanus 
vaccine if their child happened to step on a 
rusty nail. 
Fear does that to people. 
Most parents want to know why a child just 
can’t receive a tetanus vaccine? Why do they 
have to receive diphtheria and pertussis too? 
Why is tetanus given as a 3 in 1 shot? Does 
stepping on a rusty nail really warrant a 
tetanus vaccine? 
And this is my hypothetical question that I have 
always wanted answered: Why is it ok to give 
a child the tetanus vaccine (in the form of 
DTaP) at, say, their 1 year “well baby” visit, but 
only 2 weeks later, when they unexpectedly end 
up in the ER with an open would, the child is 
automatically given another tetanus booster (in 
the form of another DTaP)? How is this ok? And 
how does this make sense? 
I love one of the recent status on The Thinking 
Moms Revolution site the other day. One of the 
Thinking Moms (Tex) was interviewed on a 
radio show called: “Vaccine Myths” 
“Where are all the rusty nails?” 
“You mean the rusty nails that actually have 
bacteria from cow manure on them? The ones 
that SOOooooo many children seem to be 
stepping on every year? Gee… we don’t know 
Tex. But if they are such a huge threat – then 
why don’t they offer the Tetanus vaccine 
WITHOUT the Diptheria and Pertussis for 
parents who might consider getting THAT 
vaccine if they don’t want the combo? Combo 
or singular- vaccines cause damage. Rusty 
nails are a FAR lesser threat than the aluminum 
and formaldehyde, and monkey DNA and 
aborted fetal tissue DNA and neurotoxins that 
make up these vaccines” 
There is a story about a boy from New Zealand 
almost dying from tetanus that is circulating fb 
right now. Of course the gist of the story is that 
he was “unvaccinated”. Many vaccine safety 
advocate groups say the story is not true. If the 
story of the boy is true (which I doubt, because 
the story has a million holes in it), then based 
on what the parents are quoted saying, I have 
some major issues: 
“As soon as they (the doctors) said it was 
tetanus my other two kids were vaccinated the 
very next day, against all childhood diseases.” 
I couldn’t agree more with a comment I read on 
the Great Mother’s Questioning Vaccines fb 
“If this article is in fact true then these parents 
are very reactionary and motivated purely by 
fear. They read a few scary stories and decided 
not to vaccinate then had a scary experience 
and vaccinated the heck out of all their kids. 
Not my kind of parenting role models 
regardless of their stance on vax” 
You can read the original story (HERE) As you 
read it, it is very obvious this article was a push 
for vaccines and not really about the boy with 
I read an article on the Immunization 
Awareness Society for Informed Choice website 
today. It breaks the story down (properly) of 
this boy almost dying from tetanus and gives a 
very accurate portrayal of what informed 
consent really looks like in a family that 
originally choose to not vaccinate. 
“… Everybody needs to understand above all 
else, is that informed consent is not made by 
listening to conspiracy theories, or emotions 
and feelings. Informed decision making 
is also more than just saying ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to an 
intervention such as vaccination. 
Most parents who make an informed choice not 
to vaccinate, will research thoroughly 
everything they can. Not just about the 
diseases, or the vaccines, but what constitutes 
good health. These parents do everything to 
ensure their children remain healthy and happy, 
and understand the risks involved in ALL the 
diseases, how to prevent them if possible, how 
to treat them at home, risk factors for the 
diseases and complications, and so on. 
…parents who make a scientifically informed 
choice don’t make important health decisions 
on the basis of conspiracy theories online, or 
call themselves ‘hippies’, or assume that 
having a science degree makes them well 
informed; neither do they suddenly find out they 
are ignorant the night their child falls ill” 
-Immunization Awareness Society for Informed 
You can read the full article (HERE) 
Anyways, all of this can easily turn into a 
debate over whether or not the article about the 
unvaccinated boy is true or not. And really, who 
cares. This is about tetanus. Learning the truth 
about tetanus is what is most important. 
So what is Tetanus? 
“Tetanus is the name of a sickness you get 
when the bacterium Clostridium tetani enters 
your body and flourishes (with a life cycle). The 
emphasis should be on ‘flourishes’ because 
Clostridium tetani requires an anaerobic 
environment. What does this mean? It means 
for the bacterium to survive, it must be in an 
environment free of oxygen. 
In other words, to get sick with Tetanus, you 
must get the Clostridium tetani into your body, 
such as through the infamous example of 
stepping on a nail. Then you must ensure that 
the wound does not get oxygenated (does not 
bleed and is not exposed to air) and you must 
ensure the bacterium multiplies enough to start 
a life cycle, because the toxins released when 
they die is what causes Tetanus symptoms. 
Summary: Tetanus requires a wound that is 
deep enough and neglected enough to create 
an anaerobic environment so that the bacteria 
can flourish, die off and spread a toxin in the 
body. The incubation period is 3-21 days, the 
average being 8 days. 
And what does it mean to ‘oxygenate’? It 
means to bleed. Blood is oxygenated by 
passing through the lungs and then flowing 
through the body to oxygenate all the tissues. 
That is how we live. We are oxygenated 
creatures. So if you step on a nail and you 
bleed, the Clostridium tetani cannot live. In 
other words, Tetanus is impossible to get if you 
are alive, pumping blood normally through your 
body and taking care of the wound. Feel 
bamboozled yet?” - Tetanus Vaccination: Fact 
& Fiction, read entire article (HERE) 
According to the CDC’s own website: “ Tetanus 
is different from other vaccine-preventable 
diseases because it does not spread from 
person to person. The bacteria are usually 
found in soil, dust and manure and enter the 
body through breaks in the skin – usually cuts 
or puncture wounds caused by contaminated 
objects. Today, tetanus is uncommon in the 
United States, with an average of 29 reported 
cases per year from 1996 through 2009″ 
“Today, tetanus is uncommon in the United 
States, with an average of 29 reported cases 
per year from 1996 through 2009″? 
Say what?!? Pretty much, the CDC’s own 
website tells us it’s not common and is found in 
wounds caused by contaminated objects… 
images (3) 
“ The incidence of tetanus had almost 
completely disappeared by the time vaccines 
became popular. Tetanus vaccines has been a 
part of of mass inoculations since the 1940’s. 
It’s the T of DPT. Since the 1950’s a child 
received 4 DPT shots by the time he is 18 
months old. Even after that, for life, any time 
anyone steps on a nail or gets a minor cut, 
tetanus “boosters” are routinely given. But what 
sense does it make to pretend to cure a 
disease that is caused by a puncture would 
which may have the remotest possibility of 
containing Clostridium by giving the person 
another puncture wound that definitely contains 
Clostridium, or its byproducts? 
It’s one thing to claim that the vaccine could 
confer immunity before the injury happened. But 
to pretend a shot could immunize someone 
after the infection has occurred trespasses into 
the realm of superstition. No manufacturer has 
ever claimed curative powers for any vaccine. 
They’re preventatives, remember? That’s the 
whole basis of immunology. 
Again, no scientists claim curative value after 
being infected with Clostridium. Nor do any 
suggest that a subsequent vaccine would 
prevent the development of tetanus. Think 
about it: if you have a disease process already 
going on, how could adding more of the 
pathogen or its toxoids to your blood possibly 
help you? This is pure science fiction” -Dr Tim 
“But what if???” 
1. “IF for some reason you and your child’s 
doctor assess a risk for Tetanus, you have the 
option of choosing a non-vaccine shot called 
Tetanus Immunoglobulin or TiG for short. The 
TiG is an anti-toxin serum, not a vaccine. 
IMPORTANT: if you suspect Tetanus, make 
sure your child gets the TiG shot! Many doctors 
and nurses sadly are not informed on this 
issue. They will pressure you to give your child 
the vaccine instead. Even if you ask for the 
immunoglobulin, some medical employees 
might not know what this is or think you are 
mistaken and assume you want the vaccine. 
Sometimes they claim to have a “T” only 
vaccine, which is untrue. 
This creates a dangerous situation because the 
vaccine will not take effect soon enough if your 
child was exposed to Tetanus, and even if the 
vaccine did take effect soon enough, vaccines 
don’t work for everyone. Make sure you see the 
packaging and/or insert of the immunoglobulin 
shot to ensure it is the right medication” 
Tetanus Toxoid = Vaccine 
Tetanus Immunoglobulin = Anti-Toxin 
2. Cuts, scrapes, nicks, and wounds need to be 
cleaned. Soap and water go along way. 
3. Heat helps to kill tetanus bacteria. A good 
soak in some Epsom salts to help with wound 
healing is good. 
4. Put hydrogen peroxide, which is H2O2 (extra 
oxygen) after any significant wound injury. The 
extra oxygen kills tetanus spores additionally. 
One of my favorite doctors, Dr. Kurt Perkins 
says this: 
One thing I would like to point out is the 
ridiculousness of giving a tetanus shot AFTER 
you have a puncture wound. Why get a 
puncture wound that definitely contains tetanus 
from a puncture wound that might not contain 
tetanus? It’s sketchy enough to say you’re 
immune from tetanus from the regular vaccine 
schedule but to say there are curative powers 
by getting the vaccine AFTER the puncture 
wound is pretty ballsy, yet many line up to get 
injected after they think they might have 
After all, where do you find tetanus? It’s in soil 
and the intestines of animals and humans. I 
want my son to experience nature but I draw 
the line at playing in the intestines of animals 
or humans. 
HAHA! Sometimes I just love reading things 
that are humorous and sarcastic, but get the 
point across almost better than a 125 page 
article on the history of tetanus. I’ve done that 
research too. Sometimes, you just need a little 
Dr. Kurt. Which by the way, if you have not read 
his article called “My CRYSTAL Clear Stance on 
Vaccines”, you really should. You can find it 
In closing… 
How did the conventional wisdom of tetanus 
shots from a dirty rusty nail outdoors where 
Clostridium may be harbored in animals spoors 
– how did that idea get transformed to needing 
tetanus shots after the slightest most 
antiseptic nick around the house?” -Dr. Tim 
O’Shea from the book “Vaccination is NOT 

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